Exercise Techniques to Reduce Injuries – Healthier Alternatives to Common Exercises

Sport, Fitness, Exercise, Pilates

Exercise is one of the healthiest activities a person can indulge in, yet it can also be one of the most dangerous. To a great extent there is no such thing as bad exercises, but if one were to not carry them out with the right form and techniques, they have the potential to cause serious harm, or at least have no beneficial effect at all. In most countries there will be services where you can have trainers conduct classes in your own home, such as First Class PT one of many places with the best personal trainers Toronto has to offer.

A great alternative exercise for the shoulders would be the single arm lateral dumbbell raise, which is much safer instead of the usual barbell high row. When doing this, place your feet parallel with your shoulders, and your hips and spine in a neutral position. While maintaining a slight bend in your elbow, raise the weight till your wrist and hand is at level with your shoulder. Then slowly lower it to the starting position.

One of the best abdominal workouts you can do is reverse crunches, which provide a lot of support to crucial areas such as the spine. While lying on your back, place your hands under the edges of your pelvis. Then, while maintaining a very slight bend in your knees, raise your legs above your hips so that your body is at a fairly L-shaped angle. Once this is achieved, transfer most of your body weight to your upper body while raising your tailbone from the floor. Then slowly reach as high as you can with your legs while pushing your hips towards your head. Then slowly return to the starting position by laying your tailbone back on the ground and returning your legs to a bent position.

There are many such exercises that are more effective and healthier counterparts, so it’s always best to do some research, or enlist the help of a professional.

Catalina Forbes is a travel writer who bases her content on many thrilling escapades experienced across the world.


Modern Fitness Equipment – Sweat it out at Home

Gone are the days you have to drop by the gym every evening after work regardless of the long day you had. Gone are the days you get screamed at by a trainer seemingly wanting to break your back; at least it can sometimes feel that way! What with all the ground-breaking discoveries about losing weight and achieving one’s body goals, we now have a new range of options from active pursuits like hiking, kayaking, power yoga and Pilates to using modern fitness equipment right at home. You need not fear if you think only high-end gym equipment can garner you that chiseled chest and those busting biceps since a well scheduled at-home workout can do wonders.

Do remember that such equipment is basically the same though modern versions add certain other elements that look to enhance your workout. So what are the kinds of fitness equipment out there? When it comes to cardio workouts a rowing machine, air bike, climbmill and the ever popular treadmill are amongst the options available. Purchasing such equipment and using it at home has not only become more cost effective, but can also lead to more consistent workouts since it overcomes issues like being too busy to drop by the gym or being uncomfortable to workout at an unfamiliar space. For added guidance you even have the option of combining this with in home personal training. In Toronto, professional fitness trainers such as First Class Personal Training, will visit you at your personal residence or workplace during hours convenient to you and even bring the needed equipment.

You can consider investing on recumbent bikes if you have a bad back and want to make sure you don’t put too much pressure on your spine. Also popular are elliptical machines that offer more low impact workouts which don’t tax your joints or back too much. Another benefit of this machine is because of its design and the fact your position will be relatively stationary, you can set it up in such a way to enjoy using it while watching your favorite TV show!

When it comes to weights and strength training, you can always look to buy free weights, flexion machines, dumbbells, kettlebells and medicine balls. However, if you are choosing to purchase exercise and fitness equipment, ensure you have enough background knowledge or at least the advice of your personal trainer. Do not let certain infomercials mislead you since anything that sounds “easy”, “painless” or “quick” might just be a marketing gimmick.

Nelson Osborne is an independent freelance writer who has been sharing his expertise on a variety of subjects via numerous articles and web content over the years.


Weight Training Safety – Precautions for the Weight Lifter

Weight training is a great way to develop muscular size and strength whilst also being an excellent way to increase your physical fitness. However when embarking on a weight training regimen it is important to keep some safety guidelines in mind so that your training experience remains safe without risking injury or strain. When obtaining knowledgeable guidance and advice on weight training an excellent choice would be First Class Personal Training, which has the distinction of being one of the best personal trainers Toronto has to offer. This personal training oriented company will assist you in creating a fitness programme tailor made to your requirements.

Weight training has the potential to transform your life with its many benefits, but it must be done carefully so as to avoid any injury or adverse effects. First of all before undertaking a programme of weight training it is important to consult with a knowledgeable physician so as to assess your physical condition. This will be particularly vital for individuals who are more than 35 years old, or for those who have been sedentary in their activities for a considerable extent of time.

When engaging in weight training it is always advisable to train with a partner, particularly when lifting free weights, so that there will be someone to come to your assistance if you experience any problems. In fact a host of exercises involving free weights will require the help of a ‘spotter’ whose function will be to prevent injury if you mishandle the weight.

Another important guideline to keep in mind is to always be mindful of your body’s limitations. This is because overexertion is considered to be one of the most frequent causes of weight lifting related injury.

As you embark on a programme of weight training it is very advisable to read up on and make yourself knowledgeable about the many vital details regarding this demanding physical activity. If you undertake your training regimen with the due care and safety precautions it is likely to be a greatly rewarding activity.

Auburn Silver is a travel writer who has a passion for fashion and a deep interest in admiring new and exotic attractions around the world. Google+