You’ve tried everything, from the fad diets to the crazy workouts and still the bulges refuse to budge! Chances are that the only things keeping you away from achieving the body of your dreams might be these weight loss myths.
1. Radical exercise regimes are the only way to lose weight
A workout regime doesn’t have to be radical to be successful; the key to successful weight loss are small changes that you can commit to for a long time. This means that you need to be more physically active in your everyday routine. For an adult 150 minutes of physical activity such as walking or cycling, is necessary for a week and much more is needed for the overweight. If you’re not too keen on outdoorsy activities, you can opt to get safe and comfortable in home personal training in Toronto by a service provider like First Class Personal Training. Basically, to burn more calories than you consume, you must achieve a balance of more physical exercise and eating less.

2. Healthy foods are more expensive
It may at first seem that healthy foods cost more than unhealthy alternatives but in closer inspection its actually not! Replace the usual ingredients with healthier substitutes and you’ll find that it will cost less than you imagined. For example, opt for cheaper cuts of meat and mix it together with cheaper substitutes such as pulses, beans, and frozen veg that will work wonders for stir-fries or casseroles.

3. Carbs make you put on weight
Carbs are one of the most misunderstood of macronutrient components of food. Consumed as part of a balanced diet and in the right quantities, carbs will not, on their own lead to weight gain. On their own means without any additives such as creamy sauces, butter…etc. Eat more wholemeal and whole grain carbohydrates such as wholemeal bread, brown rice, and potatoes (with the skins on) to increase the intake of fibre. If you’re trying to lose weight, don’t fry starchy foods but bake’em!

4. Starving yourself is the best way to lose weight
It’s very unlikely that crash diets are the solution for long-term weight loss. It actually leads to long term weight gain. The biggest problem is that this kind of diet is too difficult to maintain in a long term. You will also miss out on essential nutrients as crash diets limit the diversity of food consumed. Not only that, your body will be on low energy, and that will cause you to crave for high-sugar and high-fat foods. This leads to eating more foods and calories than you need, resulting weight gain.

5. Some foods speed up your metabolism
Metabolism is a continuous chemical process that works to keeps you alive and keeps your organs functioning normal like repairing cells, breathing, and digesting food. Some claim that certain food and drinks can boost your metabolism and thus aid weight loss and burn more calories. There is little scientific evidence to back most of these claims. Therefore, to be safe get active and stick to burning more calories than you eat to lose weight.